Thursday 12 March 2015


Thank you for following the blog over the last few weeks. We have valued you travelling with us.

It has been a journey full of challenges - overwhelming need...impossible struggles...

I mean, what do you do if the choice is to sell your body or let the children starve?

Where do you find role models when your grandparents were shot and your parents died of awful illnesses?

How do you raise young children when you are 12, yourself?

How do you motivate 4 teenagers from the same child-headed family who all left school with qualifications and none of whom can find work?

What do you do when you are old and sick and the nearest water is several fields away?

How do you earn money for food when you are too sick to work but without a good healthy diet the anti-retroviral drugs won't be effective?

What do you do when your children have died and you care for their kids but are getting sicker and sicker, yourself?

And yet...surely we have found hope in a hopeless place...

We have met a young man, part of a child-headed family himself, choose to become a care-worker so that other children don't have to go through what he went through...

We have been awed to hear from a beautiful mother whose husband initially didn't support her, whose children were cross with her...still choose to feed other peoples' children who had no food...

We have seen mothers who have lost 1..2..or even more children of their own, choose to daily cook under the blazing sun, for large groups of orphans and vulnerable children...who otherwise wouldn't eat...

We have seen young women with their own struggles, choose to walk miles each day to accompany children or visit their homes to ensure there are locks on the doors and that noone has moved in and taken advantage of the fact there are no adults to supervise...

We have met a Father whose wife died and instead of abandonning the kids like many would have expected, he stuck with them and raised a healthy thriving family...and now helps set up new centres across different countries even... where orphaned and vulnerable children can come and be shown love, given food, offered help with advised on how to protect themselves...

We have found the love of Christ shared with us (who thought we had so much), by people ( whom we think of as having so little)...We have found abundant faith and hope and love and hospitality and humour and so much more...against the dark and difficult circumstances...


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